Thursday, July 30

Out Of Control

I had a day go
out of control
Coming right at me
but I didn't know
Weather was changing
I wasn't prepared
Caught me off guard
Caught me unaware
Life taught me well
Spirit was near

So the day went
out of control
Sped by like lightning
and almost seemed frightening
Hail and great thunder
Blew moments right by
No time to react
No time to ask why
Life taught me this:
No reason to cry

Let the day go
out of control
It takes it own action
you just couldn't know
Take in all the chaos
As much as you're able
Breathe in spirit's vapors
Bring thanks to the table
Life gives its own lessons
Blessings do enable

Wednesday, July 29

A Little Place Of Peace

Wooded walk
We chose our path
New to us but familiar

Wild raspberries delighting
Careful for the ivy
Aren't they delicious?

New fragrances in these woods
She runs ahead, but back again
This marvelous child that I bore

We find our way down the path
Wooded glen clears away wide
A field of grasses and open sky

Our path together now
My baby grown so wonderfully
Proudly I encourage her future

Soon changes come
My heart is with her always
Her dreams and mine, blossoming

This moment our gift
A little place of peace
The whole sky, beckoning

Taking Flight

This is the beginning of a new journey. Writers are given the opportunity to pursue many different paths in the course of their lives; among other things, we write as part of our explorations in the world, our experimentation with ideas, and the expression of our waking dreams.

The Owl Child Diaries aspire to be all about finding joy. It is an experiment in happiness. It is a discussion of the positive truth. It is the dream of unlocking our collective inner light.

I plan to leave the format open; unlike my poetry blog "Day Something Like Georgous Coffee", I will not be limited to my poetic writings but include essays, dialogue, interviews and more - whatever it is that might encourage you, the reader, to feel uplifted, motivated and encouraged to find that higher self inside, that happy being that you were when you were born. I want you to see that version of radiance that you so long to become.

Thank you for joining me along my path today!